This course will guide you through 40 days of practical insights and exercises to anchor yourself in the present moment.

ListenUp will help you:

Cultivate presence in your mind & body

Build a practice of mindfulness & meditation

Reduce stress levels

Calm anxiety

Cultivate agency

Boost mental focus & creativity

Listen without an agenda

Practices you will master upon completion of this course:

1. Live with Presence

Be the driver of your own life. Develop a connection to your mind and body and learn to self-monitor your thoughts and feelings. Build a daily practice of meditation, mindfulness, self-study, and prayer.

2. Listen Authentically

Increase your capacity to listen with an open mind and respond without an agenda. Identify your triggers and learn to pause and breath before reacting.

3. Embrace Your Truth

Be honest with yourself about your thoughts and feelings. Stop numbing and avoiding stressful and painful thoughts and learn to work through them in a productive way.

4. Invite Creativity

Put down your vices (and devices!) and bring your imagination back online. Sharpen your mental focus and create more space for creativity.

5. Practice Peace

Harness the power of presence to reduce stress, calm your anxiety, and shift your perspective to understand how you can meet any situation in life with agency and ease.

6. Embody Gratitude

Develop an awareness for simple and otherwise overlooked aspects of your life.

Included in the Course:

• Digital counsel sessions
• 11 audio meditations
• Guided writing prompts
• Lectures, podcasts, and guided meditations by spiritual leaders
• Unlimited access to, More Gold, our highly curated reference library
• Lifetime access to course materials

Upwards is a collaboration between renowned yoga and meditation teacher Ally Bogard and community builder and leader Jordan Daly. This course draws from nearly three decades of combined experience with meditation, inner-work, and counsel to help individuals harness the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits of meditation and self-study.

Select a pricing plan and sign up

"I love YOU. And I am thanking you. upwards has helped me and everyone I have been sending it to. 'Look into the past but don't stare' really got me today. Thank you!" —Grace H.

"Attention. I am paying attention to upwards. I am so grateful and so clear. I love it. Thank you." —Paul H.